So, why have you never heard of Andras Csaszar? The answer relates to the underlying dynamic of cultural proliferation and the avalanche in recent decades of art, music, literature, video, and other forms of creative expression. In a world of ever increasing cultural opportunities—a world in which over a million young artists spew forth from a plethora of art schools around the world each year—it is harder than ever for any individual painter to matter much.
In short, Csaszar has had the bum luck of being a great painter when such a figure doesn’t command the attention, respect, and awe it once did. At least in North America, the age of the painter as culture hero has largely passed. To his credit, Andras Csaszar does not seem particularly perturbed by the situation. “I’m a painter because I love the lifestyle and as long as I have that, I’ll keep painting,” he once told me under the hum of a broken neon sign in Budapest in 2008. “I feel that’s all I can do.”

-Dimitrios Koussioulas, 2008

In recent years I’ve been creating paintings of people, places and things in an attempt to celebrate the ordinary.

I live and work in Montreal, Canada.


2003-05 Atelier de Brésoles, Montreal

2001 Angel Academy, Florence, Italy

1996-99 Dawson College, Illustration and Design, DEC obtained, Montreal


2022 Untitled, Galerie du Viaduc, Montreal

Artists for Peace, McClure Gallery, Montreal

Exposition d’été no2, Galerie du Viaduc, Montreal

Les Poissons d’avril, Galerie du Viaduc, Montreal

Parlez-moi d’amour, Les Impatients, Montreal

2021 Moreover/Par ailleurs, Galerie du Viaduc, Montreal

Les Poissons d’avril, Galerie du Viaduc, Montreal

Parlez-moi d’amour, Les Impatients, Montreal

2020 Parlez-moi d’amour, Les Impatients, Montreal

Les Poissons d’avril, Galerie du Viaduc, Montreal

2019 Recent Works, Galerie du Viaduc, Montreal

En couleurs, McClure Gallery, Montreal

Les Poissons d’avril, Galerie du Viaduc, Montreal

Parlez-moi d’amour, Les Impatients, Montreal

2018 Selected Works, Galerie du Viaduc, Montreal

Parlez-moi d’amour, Les Impatients, Montreal

What’s New?E.K. Voland Gallery, Montreal

AQUA, E.K. Voland Gallery, Montreal

2017 Wet Paint, Mainline Gallery, Montreal

Celebration, Beaux-arts des Amériques, Montreal

Heads, E.K. Voland Gallery, Montreal

2016 New Works, Arts Monaro, Montreal

Poetry Unspoken, Beaux-arts des Amériques, Montreal

2015 Square Affair, McClure Gallery, Montreal

Something, Something, Something Else, Galerie Espace, Montreal

Warmth, E.K. Voland Gallery, Montreal

2014 Small is Beautiful, Ben Navaee Gallery, Toronto

E.K. Voland Gallery, Montreal

Something, Something, Something, Galerie Espace, Montreal

Petite enveloppe urbaine no. 21

2009 Nature, Galerie de Bellefeuille, Montreal

2008 Model/Muse, Montreal

2007 Fall Salon, Galerie de Brésoles, Montreal

2006 Fog Forest Gallery, Sackville

NDG Centre de Culture, Montreal

Alumni Show, Dawson College, Montreal



Francisco Villa, Frankfurt

Hotel Relais du Silence, Switzerland

Pacart Québec Inc.


Street Talk

